How to's 18 may 2015

Trip to Paris


A few months ago one of my best friends moved to Paris…to feel the city’s artistic spirit and study French. I guess everyone knows, you only really get to know a foreign language when you live in a country in which it is spoken. It didn’t take much convincing to get me to come and visit, as Paris is one of my favorite city’s in Europe!

Lucky me, Warsaw’s great air transportation connection allowed me to travel suuuuuuuper cheeeeeaaaap to Paris – only 40 Euro, booking three weeks ahead :)

So  I went and enjoyed the city of love to the fullest. Of course, I could tell you all about the trip but sometimes pictures say more than a thousand words! Hope you enjoy them ;)





And btw: Meeting also a lot of my Parisian friends, I decided to go to Paris in the fall and spend my Erasmus in the city of wonders ;) So there will be more posts of KU students abroad. And just for you to know. I randomly met a fellow Student Ambassador at Trocadero haha KU is not only represented all over Warsaw but simply everywhere!




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