Guest blogging, Poland, Warsaw 31 mar 2016

Warsaw April Fools’ Day – Expect the unexpected


Another famous holiday. Since 19th century it is popular all over the world.  In Poland it is celebrated on 1st of April. There is no direct way to celebrate this holiday, but you can literally expect anything. Everybody: media, politicians, teachers and institutions jokes around at this day. You have to watch out for internet trolls and probably even your friends. Staying sharp is the most important think in that day.

Let’s take a look how Warsaw celebrated last year to give you a glimpse of what you can expect.

Mordor was in Warsaw. If you are a Tolkien fan take a look at this.


New scent from your favorite burgers place? There we go.

551bb07c707db_oEven the Warsaw major played along. She said that:
-In even days of the weeks on the Wilanow-City Centre route only trams with uneven numbers.
-On Fridays Warsaw underground will stop only on stops that names start with P.
-Water level in all public pools will be limited to 20cm and libraries will be allowed only to borrow white-covered books.


Warsaw Palace was WHITE. It was brush-colored and cleaned till it was white. Here is a photo.



To prove you that you have to stay sharp one of those jokes is a fake, but I will let you figure out which.

Don’t be an April Fool :)

1. “Mordor na Domaniewskiej” – Facebook fanpage All rights reserved –

2. “Bobby Burger” – Facebook fanpage All rights reserved –

3. Hanna Gronkiewicz Waltz official Facebbok page.

4. John Schulz photo used by Grupa Wirtualna Polska Copyright © 1995-2016 –,16206221,kat,1011061,title,Palac-Kultury-byl-bialy,galeria.html?ticaid=116bf2

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