Poland 25 jan 2016

Polish pop-culture #1- All time hits


In this mini-series I would love to introduce you to some of the most remarkable Polish classics: movies, bands, actors, comedians, games, artists and everything pop-culture oriented. So let’s get started.

Music was and still is a great part of Polish culture. Our music industry has an extremely long history, but here I would like to focus on the all time ranking of XX and XXI century. It is actually created annually thanks to Polish radio “Trójka”. Polish “all-time” hits tends to be vibrant, usually have great lyrics and are heavily focused on instruments. Here I will present the All-time of all lists created. None of these songs is younger than 1991, but that’s how people voted.

#7 Dżem – “List do M” (1991) – a smooth blues ballade about loneliness, lack of God and peace. Sang by unfortunately long gone Polish singer Ryszard Riedel.

#6 KULT – “Arahja” (1988) – sample of great alternative rock of Polish 80’s. Famous Polish band with great voice of Kazik Staszewski. Enjoy responsively. ;)

#5 Obywatel G.C – “Nie pytaj o Polskę” (1988) – art rock patriotic manifest. Great song with strong but smooth vocal of Grzegorz Ciechowski, front man of other famous Polish music group “Republika”.


#4 Sztywny Pal Azji – “Wieża radości wieża samotności” (1987) – another rock ballade, about future, and changing yourself. Sang by Leszek Nowak.

#3 Perfect – “Autobiografia” (1982) – Rock track about love, future, past and music in general. Sang by Grzegorz Markowski and written by Zbigniew Hołdys group lider.

#2 Republika – “Biała Flaga” (1982) – New wave, vibrant classic about friendship, relations and idols. Sang by Grzegorz Ciechowski.

#1Czesław Niemen – “Dziwny jest ten świat” (1967) – Soul song, recognized as a anthem of Polish young people of 60s & 70s. One of the first protest-songs of the communism era in Poland. Written, produced and sang by brilliant “thunder-voiced” Czesław Niemen.

I encourage all of you to research for more songs and more famous Polish artists. Expect more “best of” soon. More to come, see you soon

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