Hello dear readers :D I’m coming back after little break with new dose of inspiration and ideas. Hope you will like it!
I decided to create a new cycle of posts about marketing. My aim is to show you that advertising and in general marekting can be fun and super intresting. Since I’ve chosen my major in this field I feel obligated to write about it and share with you subjetcs which inspire me. Probably most of those things which I am gonna present you would never got to know during your studies. Therefore is good to broaden your horizonts and develope knowledge by reading my posts now hehe.
The first topic I would like to write about is Guerrilla Marketing. Does this name sound familiar?
No? Perfect keep reading -you will love it.
Yes ? Perfect – so you know what I’m talking about. Keep reading and see which campaigns I’ve chosen.
Saying briefly Guerilla Marketing is an unconventional and very creative type of advertisment which aim is to shock, provoke, surprise and get attention of public in more personal and memorable way. GM is also about creating socialbuzz often used by small business which have no budget for traditional marketing. We can also notice ambient marketing in there which means to use elements of environment and place ads in unusual, unexpected places. The success of GM is significant because it’s simple to understand, easy to implement and inexpensive.
When was the last time you reacted for advertisment you have seen in the city ?
I am a big enthusiast of creative advertisments and marketing campaigns therfore I truly admire people who create this kind of content. I am excited how people nowadays change the traditional meaning of marketing and try something new to grab people’s attention. I’ve chosen awesome and the best in my opinion GM examples so enjoy and don’t hesitate to share your opinion in comment section below :)
- UNICEF Dirty Water Vending Machine Campaign
See result of this campaign :
2. Fitness First gym
Would you like to know your weight by sitting on the bench ?
3. Elmex lockers
4. Don’t forget Colgate
5. There are better ways to make careers – jobintown.de
6. Jobintown.de – Life is too short for the wrong job
7. Dublin City Council – Gum. It’s better stuck in the bin
8. Tyskie beer- from Poland :)
9. Vampire Diaries ‘blood’ dispenser
10. Mcdonald
11. Landmine ketchup
12. Beau Rivage Resort Casino – baggage belt
Are you bored waiting for your luggage?
13. Nikon
14. AppStore

Do you have any other favourite guerilla marketing examples? I’d love to see your comments below!
For more of my posts click here.
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