Guest blogging 19 jul 2016

Things to do while you are a University student


You absolutely need to do all of this before graduating from university!!


1 Find a subject that you really like and learn all about it

2 Find a subject that you hate and magically pass it

3 Make lots of new friends who will make your student life absolutely awesome!

4 Go crazy on your spring break! woohoo!hqdefault

5 Make a harmless prank on your teacher

6 Take up a new and exciting hobby

7 Learn how to cook1388399886_lpvwbnso1ny

8 Earn your first money

9. make lots of plans about what to do after graduation

10. realise that you don’t know what to do after it

and finally – enjoy your student life and make as many memories as possible!!

Especially if you study in Warsaw ;)

-I’ve run out of ideas so if you add sth it will be cool:)

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