Careers, Kozminski Insider 14 may 2015

“Personal Branding & New Technologies” meeting


Have you ever wondered what is your main target in life?

Because we did. This Wednesday (yesterday). Because of Mateusz Kusznierewicz – a gold and bronze medalist – Olympic Championship in sailing, which we had the pleasure to host on the lecture “Personal Branding & New Technologies”.

I couldn’t imagine a more inspiring afternoon than this. From the beginning it was such an interesting meeting. At first, our guest told us how his success in sports gave him an opportunity to build something more, how to use success to do something more, to run a business.


The most important thing that he stated during the meeting was: DREAMS – dreams are very important in our life, they lead you to set up TARGETS – and targets let you arrange a plan of your way to get your GOAL. The reason is to focus on long term action. When you have clear points of what you have to do then you just know where you’re standing at the moment.

As he was saying we have to dream and realize our dreams but systematic and hard work is the key to success – nothing happens because of luck, we need to help it a little bit.

Our guest seemed to be a very organized person, every day before he gets up he visualizes the upcoming day, how it will look like, what may happen, how he should behave in particular situations…  Moreover he makes appointments with himself! When we heard that we all were like “Whaaaat?” – the idea is to have time to keep your head clean, to have time to think about plans, duties, challenges, and to not to fall out from your surroundings. If you know a person who is doing this – let me know. Maybe that’s the key to have things in good order.


After living in Warsaw for a long time, he decided to move to Gdańsk. He just wanted to change his environment. And we found out that  he doesn’t regret his decision. Thanks to that he could get involved in a social project of sailing education. It’s a great example of how other people may inspire others. Again, I would like to recall his words: in everybody life it’s important to have mentors, guides – who will help you to find your own way to achieve success, it may be your parents at the beginning, teachers, coaches, or even your friends.


The second part of the meeting was dedicated to a super technology called ZOOM ME. Let me briefly tell you what it is: you’ve made a picture, a selfie for example and its pretty cool, and now you want to share it with your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends or whoever, you just need an application to send it to an interactive frame, how easy it sounds! Even better the person who has the frame in their home or their workplace doesn’t have to do anything more. That’s why it’s so comfortable to use for middle aged users. That was the idea of creating this device: once upon a time Mateusz was playing with his daughter, she was dancing, laughing, the first thing that he did was take his phone out and to take a picture, but suddenly he couldn’t send it straight to his parents, then the idea was born. To create something that would be easy to use, comfortable, and totally free. After research a lot of people would have decided to buy it and use it. Of course start of  producing process wasn`t easy, he was looking a long time for somebody who might be interested in doing this. Accidentally he was talking with a friend, he was happy with the idea too what`s more he has contact with people who might be interesting to do it. And here it is ZOOM ME is working! And still improving a lot.


In the end there was settle of a competition in which one of a students may win one of ZOOM ME frame. Mateusz chose this picture because he likes the idea of combining a lot of passions in one little picture. Your passions creates who you are, and how others see you.

It`s easy to say all this wise things, but when you look at person who achieved a lot, you started to think that all he`s saying is the real truth. Everybody was born with some talent, we just have to search for it really carefully, making mistakes sometimes, but never stop in finding our real destination. Every mistake is just a new lesson, new experience, and it let us to get closer to the target.

We send you a lot of good energy  :)

Written by Dajer Patrycja



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