Guest blogging 05 oct 2015

Chicago with guacamole on the side


Eventually everything comes to an end. And my 4 month trip around US, unfortunately, is not an exception. I never thought I would have been a tourist in theUnited States. It seemed so unachievable, that I was almost genuinely sure all the information I had obtained from the screen of my TV, laptop and phone – it would be the only real source of America’s culture in my life.

So when I had a chance to visit this country I found myself frustrated: what should I visit there? Can I afford it? How will I interact with all that “far-far-away-living” people? All those questions intimidated me vastly :) Anyway, as my best friend says: “If You have an opportunity to seize – just jump inside and think after”. So I did :)


From the very first wind blow You can feel the life of a TOTALLY different country. Nothing reminds You of Europe.  Starting from the overall view of my first city (Chicago) to the way people greet one another. So I started to explore and examine :)

First thing that struck is the way people say hello. “What’s up?”, “How you’r doing?, “what’s going on?”..instead of “hey’, “hello”, “morning”. And then once You are up to start answering, giving ann entire array of inside feelings about coming here – You find out they are not interested:) So I had to get used to this strangely-polite way of greeting :) (now in Europe this “how-are-you” in the first place makes me feel weird haha).

I thought Europe is international with borders between countries faded away… and here I have to laugh out loud (LOL)!!! It’s incredible what population diversification Chicago features. Turning around it might seem that Chicago is in the middle of an Asian invasion . Actually nope – they already are “conquered” ;) The second largest city in terms of Polish citizens after Warsaw – Krakow? Poznan? Wroclaw? Well it’s Chicago :)

Every time I walked around the city I found myself looking up – narrow streets surrounded by huge skyscrapers: no way for them to resist, nothing to do but surrender to these architecture giants.IMG_3038Millenium park with famous bean, Willis Tower, Hancock building, United Centre with Jordan’s monument, Michigan lake, Navy Pier – all these are  “must-see” . And what is even more fascinating is that all these amusements are in the background when it comes to the incredible history and events, that preceded them.

Another cool feature is sports and the attitude that stand behind it. I was lucky to be a part of HUGE celebration of Chicago Blackhawks Stanley CUP win. It was gorgeous: city is paralysed due to team’s victory walk.

Today, overtaken by emotions, I can solemnly admit – it was one the best adventures so far! I met interesting people, got aquatinted with a new culture and figured out how people live on the other side of the planet. Is it the best country in the world? – Who knows..; Do You have to visit it? – Most certainly You must.

P.S. If You give a slice of bread covered with ham to american – we will fold it as burger :) Americans are so “American” haha

For more of my posts click here.

Have you been to the US? What did you think? Did you experience culture shock?

2 Responses to “Chicago with guacamole on the side”

  1. @Artem : Great article :) Looks very different from Europe indeed :)

  2. Thanks. It even feels different hahah

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