Pubs/Restaurants 27 nov 2014

Bar Orientalny


I always miss spicy food… whether its Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian food so from time to time I visit Vietnamese bars in the city which provide really tasty food that even a student can afford. You have to be careful though because all of these bars are not so clean and hygienic to have your food.Jpeg

Recently I just found some Vietnamese bar in the Praga district of Warsaw near the tram station Wspólna Droga and the bar was SAI- GON. At first I thought it’s a small place so the food must be bad or maybe inside it will not be clean. However, as I entered it was nice and clean and the food was also amazing. I ordered some crunchy chicken with rice and salad. It was cheap just for 13 zl so about 3 euro :)Jpeg

The service was nice and quick but unfortunately the menu was only in Polish so I could just try chicken because that’s what I know :)

I recommend everyone to try these types of bars in the city if you like to eat some spicy good food within your budget.

Just be careful to eat at some good ones :)

Enjoy :)

One Response to “Bar Orientalny”

  1. Looks yummy! :) I love “Duza Micha” for Vietnamese Pho.

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